Why Japan’s utility firms want to pull the plug on destination restrictions for LNG supply
A hardened feature of long-term LNG contracts, the destination clause, is coming under renewed scrutiny as the quest for flexibility gathers momentum.
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Op-eds & Essays by , , • January 18, 2016
Fellows Keith Benes and Johannes Urpelainen, and their colleagues, write about how the recent decline in oil prices presents an opportunity for governments to reduce consumer fuel subsidies without risking a backlash from consumers and vested interests.
November’s election for president of the United States will have crucial implications for the nation’s and world’s energy and climate policies.
Why is the United States struggling to enact policies to reduce carbon emissions? Conventional wisdom holds that the wealthy and powerful are to blame, as the oligarchs and corporations that wield disproportionate sway over politicians prioritize their short-term financial interests over the climate’s long-term health.
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Op-eds & Essays by , , • January 18, 2016