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Paul Dabbar Named a Distinguished Visiting Fellow by Center on Global Energy Policy

NEW YORK—Paul Dabbar, Chairman and CEO of Bohr Quantum Technologies and former Under-Secretary for Science at the Department of Energy, has joined Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow. In this new role, Dabbar plans to use his platform to further dialogue with students, faculty, and the public on the complex interaction of energy public policy, technology, and markets. He will engage with the University community and participate in a number of events hosted by CGEP. 

“Paul is a seasoned leader in the field of energy technology and innovation, which is a key research priority us and a critical need to achieve our climate goals,” said Jason Bordoff, Founding Director of the Center on Global Energy Policy. “His esteemed career, starting with his experience as a nuclear submarine officer up to leading several areas of the DOE as Under-Secretary for Science, brings an incredible wealth of knowledge and expertise to CGEP. We’re excited to work with him on issues related to energy science, technology, and policy.”

Dabbar is currently Chairman and CEO of Bohr Quantum Technologies, a company working to develop and deploy technologies for the emerging quantum internet. 

“In particular at CGEP,” said Dabbar “I would like to focus on increasing the awareness and coordination of the overlap between energy technologies, including new technology development, and public policy development. From my experience in both of those sectors, there is not enough awareness between those two areas of energy, and further interaction between the areas will benefit both.”

From 2017-2021, Dabbar managed several areas of the DOE. He served as the Department’s principal advisor on fundamental energy research, energy technologies, science, and commercialization of technologies. He managed over 60,000 people with a budget of $14.5BN p.a. at over 100 sites, including managing the majority of the U.S. National Lab Complex.

He’s received numerous awards during his time in government service. He’s also traveled to both the North and South Poles to conduct environmental and support high energy physics research.

“I’m delighted to be named a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at CGEP,” said Dabbar. “In particular, I’m very excited to work with students and to talk about the current landscape of energy technologies and their development. I hope our discussions will help inform their future and in turn, through their work, the future of the energy sector as a whole.” 

CGEP’s Distinguished Fellows Program brings veterans of public and private sector life into the Columbia community. Distinguished Fellows serve as adjunct research scholars, collaborate on articles and op-eds published through CGEP, participate in public events at Columbia University, speak to campus and faculty groups, and may teach a course or supervise a student research team.



The Center on Global Energy Policy advances smart, actionable and evidence-based energy and climate solutions through research, education and dialogue. Based at one of the world’s top research universities, what sets CGEP apart is our ability to communicate academic research, scholarship and insights in formats and on timescales that are useful to decision makers. We bridge the gap between academic research and policy — complementing and strengthening the world-class research already underway at Columbia University, while providing support, expertise, and policy recommendations to foster stronger, evidence-based policy. Recently, Columbia University President Lee Bollinger announced the creation of a new Climate School — the first in the nation — to tackle the most urgent environmental and public health challenges facing humanity.



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