Join the Center on Global Energy Policy for a presentation and discussion of the IEA Renewable Energy Market Report 2017 with Heymi Bahar, Renewable Energy Markets Analyst at the International Energy Agency and Project Manager of the Report. Inaugural Fellow David Sandalow will moderate the discussion following Mr. Bahar’s presentation. This report examines how renewable energy in the power, heat and transportation sectors will evolve over 2017-22 in the context of global decarbonization goals. It explores recent renewable deployment, policy, market and cost trends across different regions and countries, particularly as costs for wind and solar PV continue to fall. This year’s report includes additional analysis on renewable consumption of electricity vehicles and off-grid solar PV segment. The Renewable Energy Market Report 2017 also assesses the potential impact of enhanced policy action for the electricity and transport sector under its accelerated case, which would position the world firmly on a path to a more sustainable and secure energy system. Registration is required. Guests unable to attend can view a livestream of the event at A podcast of this event will be available ~5 days after the date of the event through iTunes and our website. This event is open to press. Please direct media inquiries to Jamie Shellenberger-Bessmann ([email protected]) For more information contact: [email protected]