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Dr. Adrian Duhalt is a former Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University´s School of International and Public Affairs.

His professional and research interests sit at the junction between political economy and development issues concerning the energy sector in Mexico and North America. Specifically, his research projects have focused on natural gas and petrochemicals, however, he has similarly had the opportunity to publish articles and reports on topics such as the ammonia-fertilizer value chain, the liberalization of the energy sector in Mexico, social conflict in energy infrastructure projects, and NOCs. As part of the CGEP, Adrian´s objective is to continue broadening the geographical and thematic scope of his research activities.

Prior to joining Columbia, Adrian was postdoctoral fellow in energy studies for the Center of the United States and Mexico and the Center for Energy Studies at Rice University´s Baker Institute. From 2013 to 2017, he was associate professor at the School of Business and Economics at Mexico´s Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP). In 2014, he was the first Puentes Consortium Visiting Scholar at the Baker Institute´s Mexico Center.

Adrian completed a master´s degree and PhD in Economic Geography at the University of Sussex, in the United Kingdom, where he authored a thesis on the development trajectory of Mexico´s petrochemical industry and for which he received the Best PhD Thesis Award from the Economic Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers.

He is also a Non-resident Scholar at the Center for the US and Mexico at Rice University´s Baker Institute.

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News and Publications with Adrian Duhalt Inter Press Service • November 15, 2023
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