Trump’s Most Difficult Deal Yet
The U.S. president wants to end the war in Ukraine. Does Russia?
For the latest updates on access to the Morningside campus, visit the Public Safety website. Read more.
The Saudis invited the Russians to OPEC's table and rolled out the red carpet. But the Russians haven't always done what the Saudis want.
Prominent women leaders have played a critical role in the success of global climate negotiations and have contributed to a fuller understanding of the gendered vulnerabilities linked to climate change.
A critical question to emerge from the oil demand crash in 2020 caused by the global pandemic is whether it marked the beginning of an inexorable decline in consumption of the fossil fuel that could significantly speed up government efforts to meet net zero carbon targets.
As pressure mounts on energy companies to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, now front and center for many large investors, the “social” aspects of ESG are coming to the fore. “Social” considerations gained attention during the 2020 shareholder proxy season, as witnessed by an intensification of focus on human capital and talent management in generating long-term value.