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Antoine Halff is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University and chief analyst at Kayrros, a climate and energy data analytics company he co-founded in 2016. Earlier positions include chief oil analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA) and editor of its flagship publication, the Oil Market Report (OMR); lead industry economist at the U.S. Energy Information Administration; head of commodities research at Société Générale brokerage unit Newedge; director of the global energy practice at political-risk consultancy Eurasia Group and New York bureau chief at the Energy Intelligence Group, publisher of Petroleum Intelligence Weekly and other newsletters.

Halff is the co-editor of Energy Poverty: Global Challenges and Local Solutions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, November 2014), which former World Health Organization head Gro Harlem Brundtland called “an excellent resource for the thoughtful analyst and political leader.” He earned his Masters degree from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and served as the Adjunct Professor of International & Public Affairs at Columbia University from 2006 to 2012. He has lived in Paris, Seoul, New York and Washington.

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