A Decade
of Energy and Climate Policy Impact

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs

When I founded the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs 10 years ago, I sought to create a trusted source of energy policy analysis and solutions that are evidence-based and actionable, a resource I felt had been too lacking during my time in government. After a decade of growth and impact, CGEP has become exactly that.”
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When I founded the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs 10 years ago, I sought to create a trusted source of energy policy analysis and solutions that are evidence-based and actionable, a resource I felt had been too lacking during my time in government. After a decade of growth and impact, CGEP has become exactly that.”
Listen to Jason talk about CGEP’s launch and journey on the Columbia Energy Exchange.
Today our team of nearly 100 scholars and staff, working in partnership with hundreds more faculty across Columbia University, provides policy makers, business and nonprofit leaders, and journalists with independent insights, grounded in rigorous research, in the time frames and formats that decision makers need and that are commensurate with the rapidly changing energy landscape. We do so at the intersection of climate, economics, and national security, on the understanding that the challenges facing the global energy system—and solutions to them—cannot be understood in isolation. Housed at a great university, we also take very seriously our mission to educate students, with nearly 100 currently working at CGEP or participating in our leadership programs.
As a born and raised New Yorker, I knew there was no better home for CGEP to bring together policy, finance, and civil society—and do so with a truly international perspective in this most global of cities. Columbia University has proven to be the perfect New York home, as a deeply respected research and teaching institution committed to real-world engagement and impact with global reach and perspective. And CGEP’s position within Columbia, as part of one of the world’s top public policy and international affairs schools, has allowed us to benefit from an unrivaled community of researchers and students and bring together energy’s multiple dimensions—geopolitical, economic, and environmental—in our work.
The stakes in making good energy policy decisions have never been higher—for security, the economy, and our planet. Yet the dialogue about our complex challenges remains riven by polarization, hyperbole, misinformation, rhetoric, and demonization. As such, the opportunities for CGEP in the years ahead are exceeded only by the need for our research, convening, and education.
As CGEP enters its second decade, I am more excited than ever about what lies ahead. In the years to come, we will deepen our expertise across the many branches of energy policy. We will expand our policy engagement with key decision makers. And we will further our work educating the next generation of energy and climate leaders. CGEP’s strength has always been the people who make its work possible, and it is this community that will allow us to address the most pressing energy and climate challenges in the years to come.

Our Home at Columbia University
The Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA launched in New York on April 24, 2013 in Low Library.
Read About the Launch

Our Story
Letter from Founding Director Jason Bordoff
Read Our Story

Meet Our Experts
The CGEP team is a collection of respected energy and climate experts with backgrounds ranging from government and academia to industry and nongovernmental organizations.
Meet All Our Experts

One lesson I’ve taken from a career in and out of public service is the profound need for reliable, impartial expertise.”
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One lesson I’ve taken from a career in and out of public service is the profound need for reliable, impartial expertise.”
In a very short time, CGEP has collected an array of experts both distinguished in their accomplishments and earnest in their desire to understand the ways that science and geopolitics shape our world. Their contributions to research and policy debates make for a more informed public sphere, and give me hope for a better, more stable future.
Just as important, CGEP strives to make its expert analysis available in time to impact the issues, challenges, and crises that face the world today. The Center’s commitment to timely, impactful scholarship is part of what attracted many of us to CGEP—and its excellence is what earns the trust of leaders around the world.

Our Body
of Work
CGEP develops evidence-based solutions to help address the world’s most challenging energy and climate problems through research, education, and dialogue.
Our Work

Looking back over the past decade, the body of work produced by CGEP chronicles a pivotal era for energy policy. We not only watched history in the making, we shaped it.”
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Looking back over the past decade, the body of work produced by CGEP chronicles a pivotal era for energy policy. We not only watched history in the making, we shaped it.”
You can see shifts in thinking as American oil and gas abundance affects geopolitics, as the cost of renewables and batteries accelerate their deployment, as diplomacy and science come together in renewed and strengthened resolve to reduce emissions, and as public and private sectors join in the search for robust sources of low- and zero-carbon energy.
Through it all, CGEP’s contributions to the public sphere looked over the horizon to unpack the implications of technologies, trends, and geopolitical turning points. Touching topics that range from the likelihood of nuclear proliferation to the public health impacts of air pollution and climate change, the consequences of coal’s decline to the road ahead for electric vehicles, and the potential implications of the war in Ukraine on the future of energy, we brought information and insight to the debates of the day.
We not only watched history in the making, we shaped it. In that, I will always take pride.

Our Convening Leadership
A core part of our mission is to bring together powerful players and powerful ideas for high-impact outcomes.
Tackling global challenges calls for cross-cutting leadership, dialogue, and research.”
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Distinguished Visiting Fellows
Two recent Distinguished Visiting Fellows: Mary Nichols, former Chair of the California Air Resources Board with Catherine McKenna, former Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change. The DVF program brings renowned energy experts and public and private sector veterans into the Columbia University community.
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Women in Energy
The mission of Women in Energy (WIE), started in 2014, is to elevate women in the energy sector. The initiative offers educational programming and professional development and addresses barriers to entry and success, working to recruit, retain, and promote women into decision-making roles.
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Energy Journalism Fellows
The Energy Journalism Fellows (EJF) program offers reporters the opportunity to learn about the intersecting disciplines shaping the global energy sector, including finance and markets, climate change, science and technology, policy, and geopolitics.
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Charif Souki Global Energy Fellows
The year-long Global Energy Fellows (GEF) program is designed to challenge students to think critically about relevant energy-related issues and facilitate engagement between Columbia students and CGEP experts, providing Columbia’s brightest energy-focused graduates with opportunities to build a career in energy.
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Visiting Faculty Program
Visiting Faculty Destenie Nock (r) with Geoffrey Heal in Nov., 2022. The Visiting Faculty Program invites outside faculty to share insights and engage with experts across Columbia University’s multidisciplinary networks, as well as identify opportunities for high-impact energy policy research and programming, and raise the visibility of data-driven policy solutions.
Learn MoreTackling global challenges calls for cross-cutting leadership, dialogue, and research.”
With governments having one eye on the climate crisis and another on energy and economic security, the competition for clean energy supply chains will generate deep, potentially disruptive implications in the interrelated areas of geopolitics, energy transition, trade, and environmental justice. To predict what happens next, one must not look at just one slice of these interlocking challenges, but adopt an interdisciplinary, global perspective on the energy transition that looks beyond headline noise to consider unexpected consequences and challenges.
Tackling global challenges calls for cross-cutting leadership, dialogue, and research. Government leaders, business leaders, and scholars need a forum not only to share perspectives, but even more importantly develop informed plans of action. I came to CGEP precisely because it has the global stature and breadth of vision needed to convene leaders from fields too often considered distinct, through our own network, SIPA, the broader university, and our global network of partners and alumni. Here at CGEP, we have the global reach and breadth of research needed to bring together powerful players and powerful ideas for high-impact outcomes in the energy transition and energy security agenda.

Our Student Community
Columbia University students play an integral role at CGEP, gaining hands-on experience in the energy policy field and shaping key conversations around timely energy and climate issues.
I chose to study at SIPA at Columbia University because of its strong connection with CGEP, and the unique interdisciplinary view that connection brings.”
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Charif Souki Global Energy Fellows
CGEP welcomed the inaugural class of Charif Souki Global Energy Fellows on Jan. 24, 2023. Coming from different Columbia graduate schools and with areas of study ranging from electrochemistry to project management to sustainable development, these 20 students represent the most promising future of energy and climate leaders in the Columbia community.
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Visiting Faculty Program
CGEP hosted Visiting Faculty member Dr. Destenie Nock in Nov. 2022 for a fireside chat with students focused on themes related to energy poverty and sustainability including methods to leverage data to reach an equitable and just energy future.
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Columbia Energy Association
In Dec. 2022, CGEP and the Columbia Energy Association invited students to get “ex-static” for the first edition of the Holiday Energy Trivia Night, and mingle with faculty and scholars.
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Women in Energy
CGEP’s Women in Energy initiative hosted a networking reception in Dec. 2022 in Washington, DC, to highlight women at the forefront of explaining complex energy policy issues to the public and working to build solutions in this space.
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Distinguished Visiting Fellows
CGEP has hosted numerous roundtables and lunches, allowing Columbia University students to meet with CGEP experts including Distinguished Visiting Fellows Mary Nichols, former Chair of the Californian Air Resources Board; Juan Carlos Jobet, former Minister of Mining in Chile; and Diego Mesa Puyo, former Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia.
Learn MoreI chose to study at SIPA at Columbia University because of its strong connection with CGEP, and the unique interdisciplinary view that connection brings.”
This unique experience of learning in a classroom and using that knowledge in research right away, or delving into a topic that really excites me, was possible thanks to CGEP. The Center often complemented what I learned in class, and more often was the main source of my learning. It provided us with opportunities to talk to and interact with world-leading experts on wide-ranging energy topics through research assistantships, student roundtables, and seminars. The research CGEP does and my work with scholars at CGEP helped me understand the role I want to play in this time of energy and climate crises. I am grateful every day for how much love and knowledge for energy there is at this Center, and I hope CGEP continues to be the bedrock of the next energy leaders studying at Columbia, for more decades to come.

Our Global Impact
CGEP experts actively engage in major global conferences, helping to shape the dialogue around energy and climate policies for diverse stakeholders in public and private sectors.
As Kenya’s principal secretary in the energy ministry, I saw firsthand the presence that CGEP has on the global stage. No matter the question, no matter the conference, CGEP’s experts are on hand to offer sage advice, backed by research or direct experience.”
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United Nations COP (Conference of the Parties)
During COP26 in 2021, CGEP partnered with the Obama Foundation to host former President Barack Obama for a roundtable with youth activists, Columbia University students, and Obama Foundation Scholars Program alumni, to discuss how to accelerate climate action.
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World Economic Forum
In Davos 2023, Jason Bordoff spoke at a roundtable at the World Economic Forum organized by CGEP on “Redefining Energy Security.”
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Aspen Ideas: Climate
Andrew Kamau participated in a panel discussion, “From Mining to Moscow, How Geopolitics Shape the Energy Transition” at Aspen Climate 2023 in Miami.
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Melissa Lott spoke on a panel discussion, “How Feasible Is 1.5°C?,” at CERAWeek in 2023.
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Climate Week NYC
CGEP kicked off Climate Week NYC 2022 with a full house for a conversation on mobilizing capital for the energy transition.
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Munich Security Conference
In 2018, Wolfgang Ischinger, Ambassador and Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, and Jason Bordoff spoke at the ONS Summit in Stavanger, Norway.
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Aspen Security Forum
CGEP Advisory Board member Meghan L. O’Sullivan and Jason Bordoff spoke at the 2022 Aspen Security Forum on the new geopolitics of energy.
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Aspen-Columbia Global Energy Forum
CGEP co-hosted the annual Aspen-Columbia Global Energy Forum which brings together top industry executives, policymakers, academics, and environmentalists to discuss key issues at the intersection of geopolitics, energy and climate policy, global markets, and business.
Learn MoreAs Kenya’s principal secretary in the energy ministry, I saw firsthand the presence that CGEP has on the global stage. No matter the question, no matter the conference, CGEP’s experts are on hand to offer sage advice, backed by research or direct experience.”

Our Featured Speakers
Over the past 10 years, CGEP has brought together the foremost experts and thought leaders in energy and climate policy to share research, ideas, and solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
By bringing together practitioners and scholars, CGEP enriches the discussion on key global issues, advancing both theory and practice.”
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April 24, 2013
Launch Event for the Center on Global Energy Policy
On April 24, 2013, the launch event for the Center on Global Energy Policy featured remarks from Thomas Donilon (right), National Security Advisor to President Obama, and Daniel Yergin (left), Pulitzer Prize–winning author and Vice Chairman of IHS Markit, in what would become CGEP’s first Columbia Global Energy Summit.

September 2, 2014
Discussion on the State of the Energy Sector
On September 2, 2014, CGEP hosted a discussion on the state of the energy sector with Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell, who unveiled Shell’s new strategy to address the energy transition and reduce emissions.

May 8, 2014
CGEP’s First Anniversary
To celebrate CGEP’s first anniversary, John D. Podesta, Counselor to President Obama, delivered keynote remarks at the 2014 Columbia Global Energy Summit on key domestic and international energy policy issues, including energy security, the energy transition, and climate change.

April 28, 2015
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2015
Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado, discussed key issues around scaling investments in clean energy technologies, and the domestic and international policy implications of US energy production.

April, 2015
Roundtable Discussion
CGEP hosted Khalid Al-Falih, President and CEO of Saudi Aramco, for a roundtable discussion at Columbia University focused on global energy markets.

October, 2015
Book Launch Event
CGEP welcomed Jim Rogers, former Duke Energy Chairman and CEO, for a discussion on his new book, “Lighting the World: Transforming Our Energy Future by Bringing Electricity to Everyone.”

April 27, 2016
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2016
Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO at TotalEnergies, spoke at the Columbia Global Energy Summit about the geopolitical and economic impacts of a structural shift in global energy markets.

April 14, 2017
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2017
Speakers at the Columbia Global Energy Summit in 2017 included Amin Nasser, President and CEO of Saudi Aramco. Read his remarks here.

April 14, 2017
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2017
Lisa Jackson, former Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency, had a keynote conversation with David Sandalow at the Columbia Global Energy Summit in 2017. She spoke on technology’s role in the energy transition.

April 19, 2018
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2018
At CGEP’s fifth anniversary, Ryan Lance, Chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips, participated in a keynote discussion on the outlook for global oil supply, climate change, and geopolitical risk across the world.

April 19, 2018
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2018
Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), participated in a fireside chat with Jason Bordoff, where he discussed key issues influencing the global energy sector, including decarbonization and peak oil demand.

April 10, 2019
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2019
Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington, participated in a keynote discussion where he spoke about innovation, the clean energy economy, and climate change.

May 2021
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2021
After the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Columbia Global Energy Summit was postponed and then hosted as an online event in May 2021. The virtual summit featured a conversation with Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, who spoke about energy access, sustainability, and climate change.

March 2021
Book Event
CGEP hosted a conversation with Bill Gates about his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.” He talked about the complexities and far-reaching challenges of addressing climate change and how we can use innovation overcome the climate crisis.

October 12, 2022
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2022
With everyone focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury, spoke about price caps on Russian oil.

October 12, 2022
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2022
David Turk, Deputy Secretary at the US Department of Energy, discussed the Inflation Reduction Act and the global energy crisis.

October 12, 2022
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2022
Former Energy Secretaries Dan Brouillette and Ernest Moniz discussed the state of energy in the US and abroad at the Columbia Global Energy Summit.

May 2022
World Economic Forum
At the 2022 World Economic Forum in Davos (held that year in the spring) John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, joined Jason Bordoff for a special conversation on navigating the current energy crisis while prioritizing climate justice and social equity.

April 12, 2023
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2023
As the world’s largest asset manager and a key source of capital for clean energy and fossil fuels alike, BlackRock has been front and center in discussions about the role of finance in the energy transition. Its chairman and CEO, Larry Fink, has emerged as a key voice in these issues. In this fireside chat, Fink discussed key insights from his experience on the role of financial institutions in the energy transition.

April 12, 2023
Columbia Global Energy Summit 2023
The federal government is implementing the Inflation Reduction Act, the most ambitious climate mitigation plan in American history, at the same time as it deals with the fallout of the worst energy crisis in a generation. Jennifer M. Granholm, Secretary, US Department of Energy, talks with CGEP founding director Jason Bordoff on how the government can engage the private sector and American society as a whole to balance the dual imperatives of energy security and climate action in the decade ahead.
By bringing together practitioners and scholars, CGEP enriches the discussion on key global issues, advancing both theory and practice.”
I was proud to bring CGEP the experience earned over decades pioneering clean air policies in California, and convey what I’ve learned about tackling what the academics call ‘wicked problems’ in the real world.
I think I’m not alone among Visiting Fellows in finding that this program refreshed my commitment to the global fight against climate change. Every time I engage with the next generation of international public servants, environmental lawyers, and creative problem-solvers, it renews my hope for a better future.

Our Team in News
CGEP experts are regularly cited in the world’s most prestigious publications and contribute to the media’s discussions of the most pressing energy and climate issues with our rigorous analysis and research.
See More In the News
Maui Disaster
Dr. Melissa Lott talks to CNBC about the devastating fires in Maui and the need for resilient energy systems as climate change mounts.
Watch here
European Energy Crisis
Jason Bordoff joins CNBC at the World Economic Forum 2023 in Davos to talk about the energy transition and the effect the Ukraine war is having on energy flows.
Watch here
PBS Energy Switch
Jon Elkind is featured on the PBS show “Energy Switch.”

Russian War
Anne-Sophie Corbeau talks to CNN about the Russian war on Ukraine and the European energy crisis.

Meet the Press, NBC
Interview with Jason Bordoff on “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd, NBC
Beyond the Office
CGEP is a growing community of scholars, fellows, and dedicated support staff.

Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
© Copyright 2025 Columbia CGEP
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