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Charles Fabrikant

Co-founder, SEACOR Holdings Inc.


Charles Fabrikant was the co-founder of SEACOR Holdings Inc. He served as executive chairman and CEO, and was a director of SEACOR and several of its subsidiaries from its inception in 1989 to April 2021. Mr. Fabrikant served as the non-executive chairman of the board of SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc., an operator of offshore support vessels and SEACOR’s former aviation division, Era Group Inc., an international helicopter operator. 
Mr. Fabrikant serves on the board of directors of Bristow Group Inc., an industrial aviation solutions provider. He served on the board of directors of Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc., a contract oil and gas driller; Dorian LPG Ltd., a liquefied petroleum gas shipping company and leading owner and operator of modern very large gas carriers; and Hawker Pacific Airservices, Limited, an aviation sales product support company. Mr. Fabrikant also serves as president of Fabrikant International Corporation, a privately owned corporation engaged in private investments.
Mr. Fabrikant served as a law clerk for Judge Harold Leventhal, Washington D.C. Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, and for Justice John Marshall Harlan II. Previously, he worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and formed a DC based law firm. By 1976, Mr. Fabrikant ceased practicing law, but continues to be a member of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators.
In 1980, he founded SCF Corporation, dedicated to transporting goods on the inland waterway. SCF Corporation has been a subsidiary of SEACOR since 2000.
Mr. Fabrikant is a graduate of Columbia University School of Law and Harvard University.

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