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Edward Morse

Senior Advisor and Commodities Analyst at Hartree Partners


Ed Morse is Senior Advisor and Commodities Analyst at Hartree Partners, a large, global, privately held commodities firm headquartered in NYC. Ed’s professional career has involved senior positions in academia (Princeton, Johns Hopkins and Columbia Universities), think tanks (Sr Fellow at Council on Foreign Relations), government (US Department of State), oil and gas (Phillips Petroleum), consulting (co-founder of PFC Energy), reporting and analysis (Publisher of Petroleum Intelligence Weekly and Energy Intelligence Group), trading (Hess Energy Trading Co.), and finance (established and ran first global commodities strategies units at Lehman, Credit Suisse and Citibank).

As a consultant he helped design Yemen’s oil pricing policy and assisted the UN Security Council on the design and negotiation of the Iraqi Oil-for-Food Program, and with the world’s major oil producer governments. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of petroleum firms, banks, and numerous not-for-profit institutions. He often writes op-eds for the FT, NY Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and comments on Bloomberg TV and CNBC.

He has been a Senior Fellow of both the USAEE and the IEEJ and was named by Petroleum Economist as among the ten most prominent individuals in energy finance and by Foreign Policy as among the 100 most influential people in foreign affairs in the US.


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