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Explore our expert insights and analysis in leading energy and climate news stories.

Energy Explained

Get the latest as our experts share their insights on global energy policy.


Hear in-depth conversations with the world’s top energy and climate leaders from government, business, academia, and civil society.


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Help to Shape the Future of Energy

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Center on Global Energy Policy.

CGEP provides independent, balanced, data-driven analysis to help policymakers navigate the complex world of energy — how to provide billions more people with reliable, affordable, secure access to energy supplies, enable more rapid rates of economic growth, and sustain the planet.

To meet this goal, we produce cutting-edge analysis; convene leaders from finance, industry, government, research firms, think tanks, NGOs and academia; and inform these communities and the public about the events, trends, and policy options facing the global community.

For more information, contact Jodi Garner, Senior Director of Development at (646) 477-1776 or [email protected].

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