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Ian Hamilton is Non-Resident Fellow at CGEP, Professor of Energy, Environment and Health at the UCL Energy Institute, University College London and Adjunct Professor at the Physical & Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, Scarborough. Ian’s research is focused on the nexus of energy, environment, and health in the built environment. This includes global building stock decarbonization transition policy, mitigation actions and determinants of environmental exposures in the built environment, and health impacts and wellbeing. Ian has published over 80 peer reviewed articles and is the lead author of the Buildings Global Status Report, UNEP’s flagship report on building decarbonization. Ian is the Mitigation Chair for the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, a collaboration of 35 leading research institutions around the world to track the progress of addressing climate change and its impacts on health. Ian also leads the IEA Technology Collaboration Partnership for the Energy in Buildings and Communities’ Annex 70 (Building Energy Epidemiology), is a co-investigator on the UKRI Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions, the climate and air pollution NERC APEx London Air Pollution, ANTICIPATE and TRANSITION projects, British Council funded Capability and Energy Poverty project, among others. Ian is a Senior Advisor to Sustainable Energy for All and the UN Environment Programme.

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