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Jonathan Goldberg

Founder and CEO, Carbon Direct


Jonathan Goldberg is the founder and CEO of Carbon Direct, a first of a kind company that is scaling the negative emissions industries. The firm works with consumers and businesses to fulfill demand for negative emissions and with the negative emissions industry to grow to a scale that is meaningful in combating climate change. 
Mr. Goldberg has over fifteen years of experience in energy investing and project finance. Prior to launching Carbon Direct, he founded and launched BBL Commodities, a commodity hedge fund, where he was the chief investment officer. Mr. Goldberg started his career at J. Aron, the commodities division of Goldman Sachs where he managed a large proprietary trading book across global macro markets with an emphasis on commodities. Mr. Goldberg was then a partner at Glencore, managing the firm’s U.S. derivative business prior to its IPO. 

His focus on climate change and negative emissions continues through his work at Columbia University, where he sits on the board of the Center on Global Energy Policy. Mr. Goldberg has been a lecturer on energy issues at the university and helps steer the Carbon Management Research Initiative. He is also an advisor to Lawrence Livermore National Lab’s report on negative emission. 

He graduated with honors from Yale University, with a degree in economics.

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