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Magdalena Aninat

Adolfo Ibáñez University


Magdalena Aninat is Director of the Business and Society Center of the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI) in Chile with extensive professional experience in the intersection of academia and the environment. In 2015 she founded the CEFIS Center for Philanthropy and Social Investments at the UAI, which she led for eight years covering Chile and Latin America, and where she serves as a academic director of Leading Foundations and Social Investments Program, as well as President of the Advisory Board. She is the author of several studies on integrating sustainability into business strategy, corporate social investment strategy, impact investing, effective corporate governance practices and legal framework for donations.

Her professional experience includes leading public policies in the fields of culture and heritage and she is an active participant in organizations that promote environmental conservation and labor inclusion. She is a current board member of AFP Capital pension fund, MC Foundation, Chile Mujeres Foundation, and is in the Advisory Board of Fondo Naturaleza Chile.

She is a Journalist and Graduate in Communications from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with a Masters’ degrees in Project Investment Management and in Sustainable Business at UAI. In 2016 she was recognized as one of the 100 leading women in Chile.

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