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Mike Segal

Chairman, LS Power


Mike Segal founded LS Power in 1990. Since then, LS Power has grown to become one of the largest independent power and transmission developers in the United States, involved in the development of fossil-fired and renewable power plants as well as major transmission and battery storage projects across the nation. Additionally, LS Power Equity Advisors manages several power sector-focused private equity funds with equity capital in excess of $10 billion. Since its inception, LS Power has developed, constructed, managed or acquired more than 40,000 MW of power generation and 600 miles of transmission assets throughout the United States. Supporting its endeavors, LS Power has raised more than $40 billion in debt and equity financing.  Prior to LS Power, Mr. Segal served as Co-Head of Commercial Union Energy Corporation, where he led their investments in power generation projects. Before that, Mr. Segal worked as a consulting engineer providing services to electric utilities, municipals and electric cooperatives throughout the United States. Mr. Segal started his career working for the Department of Energy in the former Soviet Union.

Mr. Segal received an MS in Electrical Engineering from Kharkiv Polytech Institute in Ukraine. He immigrated to the United States in 1978 and is a United States citizen.

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