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Columbia Energy Exchange

Protecting the U.S. Power Grid From Cyber Attacks


Marcus Sachs

Senior Vice President and Chief Security Officer, North American Electric Reliability Corporation

From a cyber attack this summer against at least a dozen power companies including the Wolf Creek Nuclear plant in Kansas, to continued assaults on Ukraine’s power grid by hackers, the need for increased cybersecurity measures to protect the grid and related components, like power generation, transition and distribution, has never been more real. Just this month the Trump Administration announced it is giving awards worth as as much as US$50 million to national laboratories for energy infrastructure resilience and cybersecurity projects.

To learn what these growing threats mean to the security of U.S. energy infrastructure, how well prepared private and public entities are for such attacks, and the role of public policy to prevent them, host Bill Loveless speaks with Marcus Sachs, Senior Vice President and Chief Security Officer for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, a not for profit regulatory authority responsible for assuring the reliability and security of the power system in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Marc was a White House appointee in the George W. Bush administration, Vice President for National Security at Verizon, and he is a retired U.S. Army Officer and author of several books on information security. 



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