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Sarah Bianchi

Senior Managing Director, Evercore ISI


Ambassador Sarah Bianchi is a senior managing director and chief strategist of international political affairs and public policy at Evercore ISI.

Ambassador Bianchi has nearly 30 years’ experience in both the public and private sector. Most recently, she served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative from 2021 to 2024, overseeing critical trading relationships across Asia and Africa. Her portfolio covered all aspects of trade, including sustainable supply chains, onshoring-shoring, energy transition, implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPs and Science Act, tariffs, technology, global trade agreements, labor and the environment.

In addition to public service, Ambassador Bianchi has served in several private sector roles. Prior to becoming deputy USTR, she led the U.S. public policy research team at Evercore ISI from 2019 to 2021, where she was ranked No. 3 by Institutional Investor. She also served as head of global policy development at Airbnb, managing director at BlackRock, and investment analyst at Eton Park Capital Management.

Ambassador Bianchi graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and served on the Senior Advisory Committee at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University from 2004 to 2021. She also served as the chair of the Biden Institute’s Policy Board, and is a Distinguished Visiting Follow at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

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